Broeck, Elias van den (1650-1708)

Creator details

Broeck, Elias van den (1650-1708)

Assets (13 in total)

A Bouquet of Roses, Morning Glory and Hazelnuts with Grasshoppers, Stag Beetle and Lizard (oil on canvas)
Still life with flowers (oil on canvas)
Poppies, Roses, Lilies, Daisies, a Convolvulus and Other Flowers in a Glass Bowl on a Ledge, with a Cabbage White Butterfly Above
Still Life of Forest Floor with Flowers, Mushrooms and Snails (oil on canvas)
Still Life of Flowers
Still Life of a Forest Floor with Flowers, a Mouse and Butterflies (oil on panel)
Still Life with Snake
Still life of an orange, a lemon and strawberry on a pewter plate, a wan-li bowl behind
A Still Life with Lobster, Lemon and Grapes
Still Life with Roses, Insects and Snails
Still Life of Flowers (panel)
A Forest Floor Still Life with Fruits and Butterflies (oil on panel)

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