Kelley, Mike (1954-2012)

Creator details

Kelley, Mike (1954-2012)
Kelley worked in variety of media including video, performance, painting, and sculpture made from found materials. His work often focused on abject subject matter.

Assets (14 in total)

Ahh...Youth, 1991 (cibachrome print mounted to aluminium)
'Blackout' Installation from the Exhibition 'An Artists Take on Detroit', 2001 (mixed media)
Craftmorphology Flow Chart (detail) 1991, on display in 1995 (mixed media)
A view of works including 'Brown Star' and 'Deodorizer', 1991, on display in the touring exhibition 'Post Human', 1992-93 (mixed media)
Dialogue No. 6 (An Example of Reflection or Absorbtion), 1991 (blanket, ball, cushion, cassette recorder and the artist's spoken cassette)
Wood Nymph, 1988 (felt collage on felt)
Craftmorphology Flow Chart (detail) 1991, on display in 1995 (mixed media)
Arena #11 (Book Bunny), 1990 (knitted wool afghan with attached fabric stuffed bunny, two Raid spray cans & Roget's Thesaurus)
View of a gallery at the Kunsthalle (photo)
Untitled, 1989 (felt, nylon stockings, buttons & fabric)
Exploring, 1985 (synthetic polymer on paper)
Hidden Weakness, Hidden Strength (one of a pair), 1982 (acrylic on paper)

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