Rankley, Alfred (1819-72)

Creator details

Rankley, Alfred (1819-72)

Assets (17 in total)

The School Room (oil on canvas)
Milton's (1608-74) First Meeting with Mary Powell , Accompanied by her Brother, 1862 (oil on canvas)
Old Schoolfellows, 1854 (oil on canvas)
The Return of the Prodigal (engraving)
Music Hath Charms (oil on canvas)
The Old Clock on the Stairs (engraving)
Exhibition of the Royal Academy (engraving)
Fine Arts (engraving)
The Cottage School
The Benediction, 1871 (oil on canvas)
Gipsy Children gathering Wood (engraving)
George Stephenson at Darlington in 1823 (engraving)

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