Giampietrino, Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli (fl.c.1495-1521)

Creator details

Giampietrino, Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli (fl.c.1495-1521)

Assets (17 in total)

Saviour of the World (tempera on panel)
The Death of Cleopatra (oil on panel)
Leda with her Children, (oil on panel)
Cristo Salvator Mundi (oil on wood panel)
Madonna and Child (oil on panel)
Repentant Mary Magdalene, c.1495-1521 (tempera on panel)
The Penitent St. Jerome (oil on panel)
Mary Magdalene (oil on panel)
Christ crowned with thorns, after 1521 (oil on panel)
Cherry Madonna, 16th century (painting)
Penitent Saint Mary Magdalene, c.1520 (oil on panel)
Madonna and Child (Our Lady of the Apple), c.1525 (oil on panel)

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