Lorenzetti, Ambrogio (1285-c.1348)

Creator details

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio (1285-c.1348)

Assets (426 in total)

The Effects of Good Government in the City, 1337-1343 (fresco)
Allegory of Good Government, 1338-40 (fresco)
Effects of Good Government, c.1338 (fresco)
Effects of Good Government in the Countryside, 1388-40 (fresco)
Detail of the Allegory of Good Government, 1338-40 (fresco)
Allegory of Good Government, detail of Justice inspired by Wisdom, 1338-40 (fresco)
The effects of good and bad government in the city and in the country (detail), 1338-9 (fresco)
Effects of Good Government in the city, 1338-40 (fresco)
“The effects of good and bad government on the city and the country.” Detail of the city. Fresco by Ambrogio Lorenzetti (1290-1348), 1338-1339. Salle des Neufs, Palazzo Pubblico de Siena
Allegory of Good Government, detail of Romulus and Remus, 1338-40 (fresco)
The Annunciation, 1344 (tempera on panel)
The effects of good and bad government in the city and in the country (detail), 1338-9 (fresco)

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