Vernier, Charles (1831-87)

Creator details

Vernier, Charles (1831-87)

Assets (89 in total)

Waltz at the Bal Mabille, Avenue Montaigne, Paris (colour litho)
Uniforms in french army: Horse Grenadiers, 17-18-19th century, engraving by Charles Vernier (1831-1887)
Costumes of French Cavalrymen from 1743 to 1840 (colour litho)
Uniforms of french army: disabled ex-serviceman, 18-19th century, engraving by Charles Vernier (1831-1887)
Uniforms of french colonial army, 19th century (drawing)
Uniforms in french army: King's Household Troops (the Musketeers), 17-18-19th century, engraving
Uniforms of french army: Naval Officers, 17-18-19th century, engraving by Charles Vernier (1831-1887)
Uniforms of french army: Hussars, 17-18-19th century, engraving by Charles Vernier (1831-1887)
Le bal Mabille, 19th century (lithograph)
Uniforms of french army: Gendarmes, 18-19th century, (engraving)
Uniforms of french army: Marine and Colonial Troops, 18-19thc entury, engraving by Charles Vernier (1831-1887)
“” Les bals de Paris - Mabille”” - engraving by Charles Vernier (1831-1887).

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