Chanel, Coco (1883-1971)

Creator details

Chanel, Coco (1883-1971)

Assets (27 in total)

Evening Dress, Coco Chanel's 1938 Autumn Collection (print)
Evening Cape (photo)
Evening gown, 1926 (front view), Gabrielle
Evening gown, 1926 (detail view of hem), Gabrielle
Evening dress and shawl, c.1925 (front oblique partial view), Gabrielle
Evening dress, c.1925 (front oblique partial view of bustline), Gabrielle
Evening dress, c.1925 (side oblique partial view of skirt), Gabrielle
Evening dress, 1931 (front detail view of hem), Gabrielle
Evening gown (partial view of back at waist)
Evening dress, 1931 (back oblique view), Gabrielle
Evening Suit (photo)
Evening Suit (photo)

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