Seymour, Robert (1798-1836)

Creator details

Seymour, Robert (1798-1836)

Assets (17 in total)

Locomotion - Walking by Steam, Riding by Steam, Flying by Steam, published by Thomas McLean, London (coloured etching)
Night and Morning (coloured etching)
Illustration for the Pickwick Papers
Locomotion, Plate 2nd, published by Thomas McLean, c.1835 (hand coloured engraving)
Lord Byron on his Death Bed, from The Last Days of Lord Byron by William Parry, pub. 1825 (hand coloured engraving)
Mr. Winkle and Mr. Pickwick trying to control their horse, illustration from 'The Pickwick Papers' by Charles Dickens, 1836 (litho)
Bill Sticker's Accident (engraving)
Nicholas Nickleby: Dotheboys Hall, engraved by Samuel Bellin (1799-1893) (engraving)
Lord Byron attended by his Suliote Guards, from The Last Days of Lord Byron by William Parry, pub. 1825 (hand coloured engraving)
Front cover of serial Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, 1836 (wood engraving on blue paper)
McLean's Monthly Sheet of Caricatures, No. 20, 1831 (litho)
Titlepage for 'The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club' by Charles Dickens, 1st edition, 1836 (engraving)

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