Sager, Xavier (1870-1930)

Creator details

Sager, Xavier (1870-1930)

Assets (62 in total)

'La Derniere Mode', fashion plates caricaturing hair and hat styles, 1909 (colour litho)
'The Eagle Owl Fur Hat' and 'The Crane Hat', cartoon fashion plates, 1910 (colour litho)
Six o'clock in the morning at Chez Maxim (colour litho)
'A good living', 1910 (engraving)
Pierrot and Columbine (chromolitho)
Seductor making advances to a fashionable young woman, 1910 (engraving)
La Comete de Halley (colour litho)
Si seulement tu pou-vais rendre (colour litho)
American girl (colour litho)
Kissing couple (colour litho)
The WC (colour litho)
Free consultations at the Hospital (colour litho)

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