Sager, Xavier (1870-1930)

Creator details

Sager, Xavier (1870-1930)

Assets (62 in total)

'La Derniere Mode', fashion plates caricaturing hair and hat styles, 1909 (colour litho)
'The Eagle Owl Fur Hat' and 'The Crane Hat', cartoon fashion plates, 1910 (colour litho)
Six o'clock in the morning at Chez Maxim (colour litho)
'A good living', 1910 (engraving)
Pierrot and Columbine (chromolitho)
Caricature of Raymond Poincare (1860-1934) moving to the Elysee Palace, February 1913 (coloured engraving)
American girl (colour litho)
Couples dancing, and girl drinking sherbet (colour litho)
Reine du Jour, pretty girl with large hat and ruff (colour litho)
New Year's card with a girl and a snowman (colour litho)
New Year's card with a girl and a snowman (colour litho)
Girl waiting for two hearts to be spliced together by Cupid (colour litho)

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