Brekelenkam, Quiringh Gerritsz. van (c.1620-68)

Creator details

Brekelenkam, Quiringh Gerritsz. van (c.1620-68)

Assets (32 in total)

The Interior of a Tailor Shop (oil on Panel)
A Fishmonger, c.1667 (oil on panel)
The Tailor’s Workshop, 1661 (oil on panel)
The Consultation, c.1655 (oil on canvas)
An interior with a lute player and a woman holding a parrot
A Kitchen Interior, 17th century
The Grace (oil on panel)
Interior with a Lady Choosing Fish, 1664 (oil on panel)
The Studious Life, 1662 (oil on canvas)
The Vegetable Stall, 1665 (oil on oak panel)
T31883 An interior with a old woman at a spinning wheel, 1657 (panel)
Peasant Woman Sitting Behind a Desk with Vegetables, by Quiringh Gerritsz van Brekelenkam, 1661 - 1667, 17th Century, oil on panel, 51 x 60 cm

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