Gruau, Rene (1909-2004)

Creator details

Gruau, Rene (1909-2004)

Assets (50 in total)

French advertisement by Rene Gruau for Elizabeth Arden cosmetics, 1950
Christian Dior fashion, illustration from Femina IV, 1949 (w/c on paper)
Dubonnet drink, 1950's (illustration)
Design for a dress by Givenchy, from the spring collection, from 'L'Officiel de la Couture et de la Mode de Paris', March 1953 (colour litho)
Design for a diaphanous blouse by Givenchy, from 'Femina Luxe', March-April 1952 (colour litho)
Design for a dress by Pierre Balmain, from the spring collection, from 'L'Officiel de la Couture et de la Mode de Paris', March 1953 (colour litho)
Crescendoe Magazine Advert, 1950s (colour litho)
Advertisement for 'Bally' Shoes, illustration from 'Femina' magazine, December 1947 (colour litho)
Advert for the Scandale fine lingerie, print 1946
Relax, Compagnie Maritime des Chargeurs Reunis (colour litho)
Advertising for champagne, 1949
Advertising for Korrigan Lesur

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