Choris, Ludwig (Louis) (1795-1828)

Creator details

Choris, Ludwig (Louis) (1795-1828)

Assets (9 in total)

View of Manila, Philippines, 1826 (colour litho)
Captain Cook Bay, Easter Island, 1816 (pencil & w/c on paper)
Natives of the Gulf of Kotzebue, Alaska, from 'Voyage Pittoresque Autour du Monde', published 1822 (colour litho)
Arms and Utensils from California, from 'Voyage Pittoresque Autour du Monde', published 1822 (colour litho)
Costume of the people of Chile, from 'Voyage Pittoresque Autour du Monde', published 1822 (colour litho)
Ritual headdresses worn by natives of California, from 'Voyage Pittoresque Autour du Monde', published 1822 (colour litho)
View of the Glaciers of the Gulf of Kotzebue, Kamchatka, from 'Voyage Pittoresque Autour Du Monde', 1822 (colour litho)
Chukchi people and their homes, from 'Voyage Pittoresque Autour Du Monde', 1822 (colour litho)
Natives of the St. Lawrence Islands, Alaska, from 'Voyage Pittoresque Autour du Monde', published 1822 (colour litho)

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