Reynolds, Alan (1926-2014)

Creator details

Reynolds, Alan (1926-2014)

Assets (33 in total)

Structure - Bergamasque II, 1971 (oil on carved relief panel)
Hopfield at Sunset, 1952 (oil on board)
Saga, 1956 (oil on hardboard)
Legend in August (oil on board)
Outbuildings (oil on board)
Kent Summer, 1953 (oil on board)
The Orchard in Autumn (oil on board)
Hillside Legend I, 1967 (oil on board)
The Village, 1951 (oil on board)
Landscape with Sun, 1957 (w/c)
Sunrise - The Hillside, 1956 (oil on board)
Winter Saga, 1955 (oil on board)

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