Musset, Alfred de (1810-57)

Creator details

Musset, Alfred de (1810-57)

Assets (19 in total)

George Sand with a fan, 1833 (pencil on paper)
George Sand wearing a Headscarf, 1833 (pencil on paper)
Self Portrait with George Sand (pencil on paper)
George Sand's horse displaying sangfroid behind the stumbling horse of Alfred de Musset (1810-57), September 1833 (pen & ink on paper)
Portrait of George Sand, 1893 (drawing)
Self Portrait, 1833 (pencil on paper)
Alfred de Musset and George Sand (drawing)
Portrait of George Sand behind her fan (pencil on paper)
Two pictures, 'Ballade' (The Moon Like the dot on a I): Alfred de Musset (1810-57) from the back (right), 'Don Juan...': Musset smoking (left), 1834 (pencil on paper)
George Sand (drawing)
George Sand seated and smoking a pipe, 1833 (pen & ink on paper)
George Sand seated on a sofa, 1833 (pen & ink on paper)

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