Champollion, Jean Francois (1790-1832)

Creator details

Champollion, Jean Francois (1790-1832)

Assets (20 in total)

The God Amun offers a sickle weapon to the pharaoh Ramesses III as he strikes two captured enemies, 1835-45 (colour litho)
Phonetic table of demotic writing and hieroglyphics, addressed to Bon-Joseph Dacier (1742-1833) 1822 (pen & ink on paper) (b/w photo)
The God Khnum, 1823 (colour litho)
Letter written in hieroglyphic characters, addressed to Joseph Dacier, the French scholar and academician (1742-1833) 1822 (pen & ink on paper) (b/w photo)
Title page of the book Prècis du système hièroglyphique des anciens ègyptiens (Frontespizio di Prècis du système hièroglyphique des anciens ègyptiens,), 1824, 19th Century, printed text
The god, Khepri, 1823 (colour litho)
The god Horus represented in the form of a sparrowhawk, 1823 (colour litho)
Symbol of Chnouphis or Kneph, one of the forms of Amon from the 'Pantheon Egyptien' by the artist, 1823 (colour litho)
Collection of Ancient Egyptian beds, 1839-45 (colour litho)
Interpretation of the frescoes at Ibsambul depicting a battle with chariots, from 'Monuments de l'Egypte et de la Nubie' by the artist, c.1835 (colour litho)
Weapons and Signs, Thebes, Biban-el-Molouk, illustration from 'Monuments de L'Egypte et de la Nubie, 1845 (colour litho)
Suite de planche, Thebes, Biban-el-Molouk, illustration from 'Monuments de L'Egypte et de la Nubie, 1845 (colour litho)

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