Grigoriev, Boris Dmitrievich (1886-1939)

Creator details

Grigoriev, Boris Dmitrievich (1886-1939)

Assets (67 in total)

The Peasant Family, 1923 (oil on canvas)
Illustraton for 'Dubrovsky', by Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837), 1912 (pencil and gouache on paper)
An Old Man with a Goat, 1920 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of the Producer Vsevolod Emilievich Meyerhold (1874-1940) 1916 (oil on canvas)
Sailing Boat in a Cubist Landscape, early 1920s (oil on canvas)
Jewish Comedians Resting, 1910s (oil on canvas)
Portrait of the Artist and (painting)
Portrait of Miron Sherling, from the cycle of portraits called 'The face of Russia', 1900 (oil on canvas)
Old Trombola, 1924 (oil on canvas)
Woman in Red, 1936 (oil on canvas)
Cabaret Black Cat in Paris, 1913 (gouache on cardboard)
'Enter!', 1913 (oil on canvas)

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