Cosola, Demetrio (1851-95)

Creator details

Cosola, Demetrio (1851-95)

Assets (98 in total)

The Dictation Lesson, 1891 (oil on canvas)
Visiting the Dead Little Girl (Visita alla piccola morta), by Demetrio Cosola, 1880, 19th Century, oil on canvas
Male Nude, 1875 - 1885 (oil on canvas)
Unexpected Troubles, Grieves, Sorrows, 1895 - 1895 (pastel)
Toothache, 1875 - 1895 (oil on panel)
The Peasant Girls and the Painter (Self-portrait), 1892 (oil on canvas)
The Po River Near Chivasso, 1880 - 1890 (oil on panel)
Portrait of Mrs Garetti (Ritratto della signora Garetti), by Demetrio Cosola, 1870 - 1895, 19th Century, oil on canvas
Portrait of Mrs Apollonia Gallo (Ritratto della signora Apollonia Gallo), by Demetrio Cosola, 1885 - 1895, 19th Century, oil on canvas
Portrait of and Unknown Person (Ritratto di ignoto), by Demetrio Cosola, 1870 - 1895, 19th Century, oil on canvas
Hilly Landscape (Paesaggio Collinare), by Demetrio Cosola, 1885 - 1895, 19th Century, oil on board
The washerwomen (Le lavandaie), by Demetrio Cosola, 1885 - 1895, 19th Century, oil on board

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