Cowper, Frank Cadogan (1877-1958)

Creator details

Cowper, Frank Cadogan (1877-1958)

Assets (31 in total)

La Belle Dame Sans Merci, 1926
Charles I (1600-49) Erecting His Standard at Nottingham on 22nd August 1642, 1910 (oil on canvas) (see 189605-10)
Four Queens find Lancelot Sleeping, c.1910 (oil on canvas)
Errant Knight
Vanity, 1925 (pastel on paper)
Our Lady of the Fruits of the Earth, 1917 (oil on canvas)
St.Francis of Assisi and the heavenly melody (for detail see 84598)
Erasmus (1466-1536) and Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) Visit the Children of Henry VII (1457-1509) at Greenwich in 1499, 1910 (oil on canvas) (see 189605-10)
Titania Sleeps; A Midsummer Night's Dream (oil on canvas)
Rapunzel sings from the Tower, 1908 (oil on canvas)
The Damsel of the Lake, Called Nimue the Enchantress, 1924 (oil on canvas)
Lancelot slayxs the Caitiff Knight Sir Tarquin and rescues the Fair Lady and the Knights in Captivity, 1954-55 (oil on canvas)

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