Ward, Louis (1913-2004)

Creator details

Ward, Louis (1913-2004)

Assets (15 in total)

Light Work (Strawberry Pickers) 1986 (gouache on board)
The Circus, 1959 (oil on canvas)
Hot Dogs, Clifton Fair, 1981 (oil on canvas)
Recession, 1950 (w/c on paper)
Line upon Line (w/c on board)
Baby in bath with duck (w/c on board)
National Exhibition of Children's Art at the RWA, 1982 (oil on canvas)
Against the Light, 1937 (charcoal on paper)
Hard Lines, 1947 (w/c on paper)
Grey Ladies of Bethlehem, c.1969 (oil on canvas)
The Woodturner (w/c on board)
Mixed Bag, 1980 (w/c on board)

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