Mateo, Master (fl.1168-88)

Creator details

Mateo, Master (fl.1168-88)

Assets (18 in total)

Detail of the Portico de la Gloria with the Old Testament prophets (stone)
King David, detail from the Portico de las Platerias (stone)
Detail of the Portico de la Gloria with scenes of Hell (stone)
Detail of the Portico de la Gloria depicting musicians (stone)
View of the Portico de las Platerias (photo)
Detail of the Portico de la Gloria depicting St James, 12th century (stone)
Detail of the Portico de la Gloria depicting St James, 12 century (stone)
Detail of the Portico de la Gloria depicting musicians (stone)
The Portico de la Gloria (stone)
Detail of the Portico de la Gloria depicting Christ in Majesty (stone)
Detail of the Portico de las Platerias with images of the Epiphany and the Passion (photo)
Detail of the Portico de la Gloria depicting the apostles (stone)

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