Pinchon, Joseph Porphyre (1871-1953)

Creator details

Pinchon, Joseph Porphyre (1871-1953)

Assets (153 in total)

Comic book “” Becassine in Learning””, ed. Gautier-Languereau, Paris. Drawings by Joseph Porphyre Pinchon (1871-1953), text by Caumery (Maurice Languereau dit) (1867-1941) DR
The Battle between Renard and Ysengrin, from 'The Adventures of Master Renard' by G. Le Cordier, c.1900 (colour litho)
Front cover of 'Becassine Chez les Turcs', 1919 (colour litho)
'Becassine', from la Semaine de Suzette, 1905 (colour litho)
Front cover of 'The Adventures of Master Renard' by G. Le Cordier, c.1900 (colour litho)
The Departure of Becassine, cover of 'Becassine Mobilisee', from 'la Semaine de la Suzette', c.1914 (colour litho)
Becassine in front of the Chateau of Versailles, from Becassine Mobilisee, c. 1914, published by Gautier Languereau, c.1914 (colour litho)
The Childhood of Becassine, 1905 (colour litho)
The Hanging of Renard, from 'The Adventures of Master Renard' by G. Le Cordier, c.1900 (colour litho)
Cover of the book “” Becassine, son uncle et leurs amis””, editions gautier Langereau (1926).
Becassine in the cantiniere. Drawing by Joseph Porphyre Pinchon (1871-1953), 20th century. DR
L'ingratitude; illustration of the book “” Becassine au boarding school”” editions Gautier Langereau (1926). Drawings by Joseph Porphyre Pinchon (1871-1953), text by Caumery (Maurice Languereau dit) (1867-1941). DR

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