Lüpertz, Markus (b.1941)

Creator details

Lüpertz, Markus (b.1941)
Emigrated to the West, to Rheydt, Rheinland with his family in 1948. Studied at the Werkkunstschule Krefeld with Laurens Goosen in 1956 and thereafter worked variously as a coalminer and road builder. In 1962 he moved to Berlin and began a cycle of paintings he called Dithyrambischen Malerei" and in the 1960s writes two manifestos based on these works. In the 1980s Lüpertz produced stage designs

Assets (17 in total)

A Shepherd with a Bird, 1986 (oil on canvas)
Chillida 1, 2003 (acrylic on bronze)
Untitled, from the series 'Style Paintings', c.1978 (charcoal, w/c, ink & gouache on paper)
Schwarz-Rot-Gold Dithyrambisch (Black-Red-Gold Dithyrambic) 1974 (gouache and chalk on wrapping paper on canvas)
Head, 1981 (acrylic on bronze)
Melancholy after an accident; Melancholie nach einem Unfall, 1981 (oil on canvas)
Nymph, 1981 (bronze)
Snail (Dithyrambic); Schnecke (Dithyrambisch), 1972 (distemper on canvas)
View of a gallery exhibiting works by Markus Lupertz (b.1941) (photo)
German Motif - Dithyrambic III, 1972 (distemper on canvas)
Susanna Bathing, 1986 (clay)

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