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Assets (56 in total)

Buddha in Meditation on the Naga King, Mucilinda, detail of Buddha's head, from Preah Khan, Bayon style, 12th-13th century (sandstone)
Head of King Jayavarman VII (r.1181-c.1220) (bronze)
Ganesh, late 12th-early 13th century, Angkor (bronze)
Head of King Jayavarman VII (1181-1218) Bayon Style, from Preah Khan, 12th-13th century (sandstone)
Praying kneeling figure, Angkor, 15th-16th century (bronze)
Vishnu Anantasayin from Angkor, Siemreap, Cambodia, 2nd -11th century (bronze)
Statue of Vishnu in his triple form of Vishnu, Narayana and Vasudeva, Angkor Thom (bronze)
Ganesh, from Tuol Pheak Kin, Kandal Province, 7th-8th century (sandstone)
Sacred signs on the Buddha's footprint, late 8th-late 12th century (stone)
Prajnaparamita (bronze)
Birth of Buddha (stone)
Apsaras dancing (stone)

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