Collins, Charles (1680-1744)

Creator details

Collins, Charles (1680-1744)

Assets (19 in total)

White-headed Sea Eagle
Curlew Sandpiper
Bird painting, 1736 (oil on canvas)
The Greater Loon (w/c on paper)
British Birds: Cock Skylark; Hen Beam Bird; Hen White Wagtail; Hen Blackcap; Cock Nightingale; Hen Nightingale; Cock and hen house Martin; Cock Marsh Titmouse; Hen Titlark and a Hen Grass Hopper
British Birds: Corn Bunting; Great Tit; Bullfinch; Green Woodpecker; Pipits; Wrens and a Coal Tit
A Rook
The Common Buzzard, 1739 (w/c and gouache on paper)
Egyptian Vulture, c.1736 (ink, w/c and graphite with scratching out on paper)
British Birds: Brambling, Tree Creeper, Sand Martins, Goldfinch, a Pair of House Sparrows, a Pair of Sedge Warblers, and a Wagtail
British Birds: Cock Redwing; Hen Redwing; Cock Winchat; Hen Winchat; Cock Aberderine; Cock Small Spotted Woodpecker; Hen Small Spotted Woodpecker; Cock Davis
A Woodgrouse, Hen, 1741 (gouache on paper)

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