Lewis, Stanley (1905-2009)

Creator details

Lewis, Stanley (1905-2009)
Stanley Lewis was born in Somerville, New Jersey on October 31, 1941. He graduated from Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut in 1963 with a joint major in music and art. His painting teacher was John Frazer. In the summer of 1962, he studied with William Bailey and Bernard Chaet at the Yale Summer School of Art and Music. He received a Danforth Fellowship for graduate study and received an MFA from Yale University in 1967. His main teachers there were Leland Bell and Nick Carone. He began teaching at the Kansas City Art Institute in 1969 in the painting department, working under Wilbur Niewald for 17 years. He joined the Bowery Gallery in NYC in 1986. Stanley taught at Smith College from 1986-1990 and then at American University from 1990-2002 working under department chairman Don Kimes. He retired from AU in 2002. In 2005, he received a Guggenheim Fellowship.

Assets (61 in total)

Hyde Park in Summer, 1931 (oil on canvas)
Still life with bottle of ale, c.1925 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a Girl with a Rose, 1939 (oil on canvas)
Drawing from the Antique, the Plaster Cast Room at Newport School of Art, 1936 (pen & ink over pencil  on card)
Self Portrait, c.1930 (black chalk with white highlights on buff paper)
Analytical Sketch of Piero della Francesca's
Study from Indian Design, copied form the Imperial Institute , c.1926
Still Life with Eggs, c.1955 (oil on canvas)
Min Sunbathing at Llanstephan, c.1956 (drawing)
Still Life with Over-turned Crabs, c.1950 (oil on canvas)
Study for Hyde Park in Summer, Standing Girl 1931 (charcoal on paper)
Cartoon for 'Hyde Park', c.1931 (pencil with highlights in white chalk & wash)

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