Soane, John (1752-1837)

Creator details

Soane, John (1752-1837)

Assets (18 in total)

John Soane: Rotunda of the bank of England, 1798 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
Il Ponte di Cesare, 1814 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
Elevation and Plan of a Dog House, 1779 (pen and ink and w/c on paper)
Pitzhanger Manor, Ealing, November 7th 1800 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
Chillington Hall: pen and pencil drawing, nd [1789] (drawing)
Chillington Hall: engraving, 1789 (print)
Chillington Hall: engraving, 1789 (print)
Pitzhanger Manor, Ealing (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
Chillington Hall: engraving, 1789 (print)
Chillington Hall: pen and wash drawing, nd [1780s] (drawing)
Chillington Park - Proposed Bridge: sepia drawing, nd [1789] (print)
Chillington Hall: pen and pencil drawing, nd [1789] (drawing)

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