Leyendecker, Joseph Christian (1874-1951)

Creator details

Leyendecker, Joseph Christian (1874-1951)
One of the most successful commercial illustrators of his time, best known for his advertisements for the 'Arrow Collar Man.' He created 321 covers for the Saturday Evening Post.

Assets (21 in total)

Airforce Pilot, 1917 (oil on canvas)
Queen Maev, frontispiece from 'Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race' by T.W. Rolleston, 1911 (colour litho)
Advert for interwoven socks, c.1938 (litho)
Golf or Tennis?, c.1915 (oil on canvas)
At Your Service,  1906 (oil on canvas)
Football Players, 1909 (oil on canvas)
The Bouquet,  (oil on canvas)
Order Coal Now. United States Fuel Administration, 1918 (colour offset lithograph)
The Lady and her Motorcar, 1906 (oil on canvas)
Kuppenheimer Good Clothes, printed by B.K. & Co. Inc., c.1924 (colour litho)
Poster for 'Self Culture' Magazine, November 1897 (colour litho)
The Homecoming, 1918 (oil on canvas)

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