Fulton, Robert (1765-1815)

Creator details

Fulton, Robert (1765-1815)

Assets (12 in total)

Longitudinal section plan of Fulton's submarine 'Nautilus', 1798 (pen & ink on paper)
Schema of the Nautilus, first submarine boat, invented by American Robert Fulton (1765-1815). This is the drawing he proposed to the Executive Board. 1797
Portrait Of Joel Barlow (oil on canvas)
Mrs Robert Fulton, c.1810-15 (w/c on ivory)
Portrait of William Prentis, 1786 (oil on canvas)
The Engine and Shaft of the Wheels of the 'Clermont' Steamboat Built by Fulton in 1807
The 'Clermont' Robert Fulton's First Steamboat Sailing on the Hudson River in New York at Albany
Schema of the Nautilus, first submarine boat, invented by American Robert Fulton (1765-1815). This is the drawing he proposed to the Executive Board. 1797
Original drawing of the Nautilus, the first underwater boat (submarine), presented by its inventor Robert Fulton (1765-1815) to the American Senate in 1806.
Dr Edmund Cartwright (1743-1823) (oil on canvas)
Incline boat carried to an upper canal level, 1797 (w/c on paper)
Fulton Boards His Steamboat the 'Clermont' in New York for Its First Trip April 11 1807

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