Crivelli, Carlo (c.1430/35-1495)

Creator details

Crivelli, Carlo (c.1430/35-1495)

Assets (132 in total)

The Annunciation with St. Emidius, 1486 (egg & oil on canvas)
St. Paul, detail of the Book of Epistles, from the Sant'Emidio polyptych, 1473 (tempera on panel) (detail of 76647, 76646 and 76636)
Madonna and Child, detail from the Sant'Emidio polyptych, 1473 (tempera on panel) (detail of 76636)
, from the the Polyptych of Montefiore, c.1470 (tempera on wood panel) (see also 492442-44)
Virgin and Child, c.1480 (tempera on panel)
Madonna and Child with saints, polyptych, 1473 (tempera on panel)
The Resurrection, right hand predella panel from the San Silvestro polyptych, 1468 (tempera on panel) (see 76657)
St. George and the Dragon, 1470 (gold & tempera on panel)
St. Roch, c.1480 (tempera & oil on limewood panel)
St. Matthew, detail from the Sant'Emidio polyptych, 1473 (tempera on panel) (detail of 76636)
Virgin and Child (oil on panel)
, from the the Polyptych of Montefiore, c.1470 (tempera on wood panel) (see also 492442-44)

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