
Creator details


Assets (184 in total)

The Holy Crown of Hungary, 11th-12th century (gold with enamel, pearls & semi-precious stones)
Emperor Constantine I (c.274-337) the Great (mosaic)
Portable icon depicting the transfiguration, 11th-12th century (mosaic)
Alexius I Comnenus (1048-1118), Byzantine emperor (1081-1118) (vellum)
St. Paul escapes Damascus in a basket, 12th-13th century (mosaic)
Miracle of the Bread and the Fishes, 5th-6th century AD (mosaic)
Icon depicting the Archangel Michael, 11th to 12th centuries (gold and silver inlaid with precious stones)
Emperor Constantine and his mother Empress Helena of Constantinople (print)
Icon of SS. Peter and Paul (tempera on panel)
Three ships entering the port of Ravenna, detail from the nave (mosaic)
The Pala d'Oro, detail of Empress Irene Comnenus (gold & enamel inlaid with precious stones)
Fragment of the 'Shroud of St. Germain', from Constantinople (Istanbul) 8th-9th century (silk)

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