Millar, Charlie (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Millar, Charlie
In November 2000 Charlie Millar flew to Mali equipped with a handful of pencils, a tiny watercolour tin and a bag of paper. Travelling vast distances within the country, he created a series of sketches and works on paper that formed the basis of some of the most exciting work of his career. Mali has given him a rich new perspective on those things that matter most to him: music, faith and buildings. These are the frontiers of his life, and have proved fertile themes in his work to date. For some years his paintings have evoked a strong sense of place through an exploration of what makes those places unique. Before visiting Mali he produced a series of 98 panels called The Strong Brown God – revisiting places and themes that have long preoccupied him – Suffolk, Ethiopia, Glyndebourne, Wagner, maps, symbols, music and architecture.

Assets (56 in total)

Untitled blue painting, 1995 (oil on canvas)
Yellow journey (oil on canvas)
Moonglow, 1998 (oil on canvas)
World Ash Tree, 1999 (oil on linen)
One World, 2000 (oil on linen)
Red Painting (oil on linen)
Amfortas - Selassie - Adam, 1998 (oil on linen)
Namenlosen, 2000 (oil on linen)
Acropolis, Athens, 1994 (watercolour on paper)
Glyndebourne, 2000 (oil on linen)
Glyndebourne, 2000 (oil on linen)
Parsifal, 1995 (oil on linen)

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