Reid, Paul (b.1975)

Creator details

Reid, Paul (b.1975)
Paul Reid was born in Scone, Perth, Scotland in 1975. The Scottish painter works in a figurative style. He graduated with a first class honours from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee in Drawing and Painting. Reid was awarded Carnegie Trust Vacation Scholarship and John Kinross Scholarship-Studied in Madrid and Florence. In 2004, Reid accompanied His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales on trip to Italy, Turkey and Jordan, completing a series of paintings and drawings based on the visit. In 2009, Reid accompanied HRH on a visit to Canada. His recent solo exhibitions include Gods, Heroes and Beasts, at The Scottish Gallery in Edinburgh.

Assets (105 in total)

Orion, 2004 (oil on canvas)
Stranded on the Island of Circe, 2014 (oil on canvas)
Minotaur, 2006 (oil on canvas)
Minotaur, 2019 (oil on canvas)
Pan, 2011 (oil on canvas)
Hermes and Argus, 2002 (oil on canvas)
Odysseus on the Island of Circe, 2013 (oil on canvas)
Actaeon, 2009 (oil on canvas)
Pan, Hermes and Typhon (ink & acrylic on board)
Typhon and Zeus, 2015 (oil on canvas paper)
Typhon Sleeping, 2015 (oil on canvas paper)
Minotaur Study, 2004 (charcoal on paper)

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