Rysbrack (Rijsbrack), John Michael (1684-1770)

Creator details

Rysbrack (Rijsbrack), John Michael (1684-1770)

Assets (12 in total)

Bust of William Shakespeare, 1760 (marble)
Illustration to 'The Iliad', 1760s (pen & ink, wash and gouache on laid paper)
Charity, 1746 (marble)
Two Maenads, A Study (brown wash with white highlights & brown ink on paper)
Bust of King Alfred the Great (849-899), in the Library Ante Room, 1764 (marble)
Two Horses' Heads (pen, ink & wash with red chalk on buff paper)
Hercules, c.1745-52 (terracotta)
Bust of Alexander Pope (marble)
Bust of a Man, probably Peter Tillemans (1684-1734) 1727 (terracotta)
10 Downing Street, bust of Isaac Newton from State Dining Room (photo)
Self Portrait (terracotta)
Statue of Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753), 1732 (marble)

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