Leeke, Ferdinand (1859-1923)

Creator details

Leeke, Ferdinand (1859-1923)

Assets (21 in total)

Parsifal in Quest of the Holy Grail, 1912 (oil on canvas)
Brunhilde knelt at his feet, from 'The Stories of Wagner's Operas' by J. Walker McSpadden (1874-1960), 1905 (colour litho)
Wotan Bidding Farewell to Brunhilde, 1908 (oil on canvas)
Thus it was that Parsifal began his Pilgrimage, from 'The Stories of Wagner's Operas' by J. Walker McSpadden, 1905 (colour litho)
A Viking Celebration, 1925 (oil on canvas)
Daland looked at the stranger keenly, from 'The Stories of Wagner's Operas' by J. Walker McSpadden (1874-1960), 1905 (colour litho)
At the head of a large body of men rode Rienzi, from 'The Stories of Wagner's Operas' by J. Walker McSpadden (1874-1960), 1905 (colour litho)
The giants bore Freia away, from 'The Stories of Wagner's Operas' by J. Walker McSpadden (1874-1960), 1905 (colour litho)
He was compelled to yield, from 'The Stories of Wagner's Operas' by J. Walker McSpadden (1874-1960), 1905 (colour litho)
The Flying Dutchman, Act II scene i (gravure)
The three maidens swam close to the shore, from 'The Stories of Wagner's Operas' by J. Walker McSpadden (1874-1960), 1905 (colour litho)

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