Janssen, Horst (1929-95)

Creator details

Janssen, Horst (1929-95)
Horst Janssen is one of Germany’s best-known post-war artists. Born in 1929 in Hamburg in the midst of the war, Janssen saw death at an early age. Consequently, death became a constant presence in all his portraits. He also had a wonderful ability to capture the characteristic of a person in just a couple of glances and a few brush strokes. Janssen was a draughtsman, graphic artist and writer. He died in 1995.

Assets (79 in total)

Nietzsche, 9th March 1983 (w/c on paper)
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) 8 December 1988 (w/c on paper)
Amaryllis, 20th March 1979 (pencil & colour pencil on paper)
Self portrait with glasses, 1972 (pencil on paper) (b/w photo)
Novalis, 7th February 1975 (pencil & colour pencil on paper)
Margaret Rutherford (1892-1972) 1989 (pencil and w/c on paper)
Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de Goncourt (1822-96) and Jules Alfred Huot de Goncourt (1830-70) 25 October 1971 (pencil on paper)
Marcel Proust (1871-1922) 25 March 1988 (pencil and wash on paper)
Frog, 29th July 1991 (w/c on paper)
Goethe, 6th April 1987 (pencil, pen & ink and w/c on paper)
Blue Flowers, 17th September 1975 (pencil & colour pencil on paper)
Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) 1990 (pencil and pastel on paper)

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