Burne-Jones, Edward Coley (1833-98)

Creator details

Burne-Jones, Edward Coley (1833-98)
Painter influenced by the art of Dante Gabriel Rossetti whose work became associated of the second phase of Pre-Raphaelitism. Although his worked lacked the social ideals of the Pre-Raphaelites, his mystic, romantic images often represent a world free of industrialism. His paintings are characterized by the influence of Mantegna and Botticelli, but done in a subdued tonal palette.

Assets (986 in total)

The Beguiling of Merlin, 1872-77 (oil on canvas)
The Mirror of Venus, 1870-76 (oil on canvas)
The Sleeping Beauty, 1870-90 (oil on canvas)
An Angel Playing a Flageolet (oil on paper)
An Angel Playing a Flageolet (w/c)
An Angel Playing a Flageolet, 1878 (w/c, gouache and gold on paper)
The Last Sleep of Arthur in Avalon, 1881-98 (oil on canvas)
The Doom Fulfilled (Perseus Slaying the Sea Serpent) c.1882 (gouache on paper)
The Tree of Forgiveness, 1881-82 (oil on canvas)
Laus Veneris, c.1873-75 (oil on canvas)
Garden of the Hesperides, 1869-73 (tempera, gouache and oil on card and canvas)
The Prince Enters the Briar Wood, from 'The Briar Rose' Series, 1 , 1870-90 (oil on canvas)

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