Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638)

Creator details

Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638)

Assets (286 in total)

Map of Iceland (colour engraving)
World Map, from 'Le Theatre du Monde' or 'Nouvel Atlas', 1645 (coloured engraving)
India Quae Orientalis Dicitur, Et Insulae Adiacentes, map showing South-East Asia and The East Indies, published, Amsterdam, c.1635 (hand-coloured engraving)
Africa Nova, c.1617 (colour engraving)
Asia noviter delineata, 1617 (colour engraving)
Map of the Holy Land, published in Amsterdam, 1629 (colour engraving)
Brazil, view of Pernambuc (Recife), Atlas by W. G. Blaeu, Amsterdam 1600.
Map of Ethiopia and South Africa. (engraving, 1638)
Map of Ireland, 1635 (coloured engraving)
Bermuda, in 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus' by Willem Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1645-50
Large pair of library globes, the terrestrial 1645/48, the celestial after c.1630 (plaster, wood & engraved paper)
Sarlat region-Bergerac- Couse-Ville Franche,  in 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus' by Willem Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1645-50

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