Pevsner, Antoine (1886-1962)

Creator details

Pevsner, Antoine (1886-1962)

Assets (19 in total)

Dynamic Projection at 30 degrees, 1931 (bronze)
Monde, 1947 (metal)
Le Deunier Elan (brass) (see also 209789, 211116-117, 211119)
Dynamic Construction, 1947 (brass)
Birth of the Universe (oil on canvas)
Torso, 1924-26 (plastic and copper)
Drawing for a dynamic construction, 1925 (pencil and chalk on paper)
The Black Lily (Spiral Construction), 1943 (bronze)
Table Space, 1944-48 (oil on canvas)
Anchored cross, 1933, (marble, brass painted black and crystal)
Abstract Composition, 1915 (oil on canvas laid down on board, in the artist's original frame)
Le Dernier Elan (brass) (see also 209786, 211117-119)

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