Currier, N. (1813-88) and Ives, J.M. (1824-95)

Creator details

Currier, N. (1813-88) and Ives, J.M. (1824-95)

Assets (410 in total)

The Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, 1620,  19th century (colour litho)
The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor, 1846 (litho)
The Rocky Mountains: Emigrants Crossing the Plains, 1866 (colour litho)
The Lightning Express Trains, 1863 (litho)
The Capture of Atlanta by the Union Army, 2nd September, 1864 (colour litho)
The Route to California.  Truckee River, Sierra Nevada.  Central Pacific railway, 1871 (litho)
A Halt by the Wayside (print)
Loading Cotton on the Mississippi, 1870 (colour litho)
The American Railway Scene at Hornellsville, Erie Railway (print, 1874)
'Wooding up' on the Mississippi (colour litho)
The Through Express (colour litho)
The Fruits of Temperance, The Progress of Intemperance, and Woman's Holy War

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