Meidner, Ludwig (1884-1966)

Creator details

Meidner, Ludwig (1884-1966)

Assets (12 in total)

Streets and Cafes: Potzdamer Platz, 1918 (collotype)
Streets and Cafes: Street in Kreuzberg, 1918 (collotype)
Apocalyptic Landscape (recto); Apokalyptische Landschaft (recto), 1912 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a Girl, 1922 (charcoal on paper)
Portrait of the Writer Hans Freimark, 1915 (pencil on paper) (b/w photo)
The Writer Johannes Robert Becher (1891-1958), 1920 (oil on canvas)
Self-portrait; Selbstbildnis, 1923 (brown chalk on paper)
Max Herrmann-Neisse, 1913  (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Lilo Gwosdz, 1960 (oil on board)
Self Portrait, 1913 (brush & black ink heightened with white) (b/w photo)
Self-Portrait (verso); Selbstbildnis (verso), 1911 (oil on canvas)
The Corner House (Villa Kochmann, Dresden), 1913 (oil on canvas on board)

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