Celesti, Andrea (1637-1712)

Creator details

Celesti, Andrea (1637-1712)

Assets (17 in total)

Moses Destroying the Golden Calf (oil on canvas)
St Sebastian (oil on canvas)
The Infant Moses Standing on the Pharaoh's Crown (oil on canvas)
Biblical banquet scene: old man with two young women (Scena biblica di un banchetto con vecchio e due giovani donne), by Andrea Celesti, 17th Century, oil on canvas
The Trial of Moses (oil on canvas)
The Sacrifice of Isaac (Il sacrificio di Isacco), by Andrea Celesti, 17th Century, oil on canvas
Cain and Abel: the death of Abel (Caino e Abele: la morte di Abele), by Andrea Celesti, 17th Century, oil on canvas
Virgin appears to Jerome Emiliani imprisoned (oil on canvas, 17th century)
Lazzaro's Resurrection (La Resurrezione di Lazzaro), by Andrea Celesti, 17th Century, oil on canvas
Potiphare's wife trying to seduce the chaste Joseph (La moglie di Putifarre tenta il casto Giuseppe), by Andrea Celesti, 17th Century, oil on canvas
The Fire Angel (L'Angelo del Fuoco), by Andrea Celesti, 17th Century, oil on canvas
Three scenes from the life of Moses (Tre episodi dalla vita di Mosè), by Andrea Celesti, 17th Century, oil on canvas

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