Cranach, Lucas the Elder (1472-1553)

Creator details

Cranach, Lucas the Elder (1472-1553)
No work is clearly identified by Cranach before he went to Vienna at age 30; he may be the creator of earlier works currently attributed to various anonymous masters. He is best known for influential scenes with landscapes incorporating remarkable effects of distance and atmosphere and for his popular woodcuts. He is sometimes mistakenly associated with the surname of 'Sunder' or 'Sonder,' the family with this name being related to Lucas Cranach through marriage and also having come from the town of Kronach.

Assets (428 in total)

Adam and Eve, 1526 (oil on panel)
Portrait of Martin Luther (1483-1546) 1529 (oil on panel)
Luther as Professor, 1529 (oil on panel)
Martin Luther, 1532 (oil on panel)
Martin Luther's Sermon, 1547 (oil on panel)
Portrait of Martin Luther (1483-1546) as an Augustinian Monk, c.1523-24 (oil on vellum on panel)
Venus, 1532 (mixed technique on beechwood)
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, 1530 (oil on panel)
Adam and Eve, c.1508-10  (oil and tempera on lime)
The Golden Age, 1530 (oil on panel)
The Wittenberg Altarpiece, 1547 (oil on panel)
Martin Luther, c.1532 (oil on panel)

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