Merheb, George

Creator details

Merheb, George
Born in Beirut in 1960, George Merheb completed a degree in fine arts in 1988 and studied in Italy from 1992-96. Merheb’s work has featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions throughout Europe and the Arab world. He has attracted media attention in the Middle East for his most recent exhibition canvases at the ‘Fabrika’ gallery in Beirut, portraying his own surreal vision of a Venetian carnival.

Assets (7 in total)

Carnival Series, 1998 (oil and acrylic on canvas)
Carnival Series, 1998 (oil and acrylic on canvas)
Carnival Series, 1998 (oil and acrylic on canvas)
Carnival Series, 1998 (oil and acrylic on canvas)
Carnival Series, 1998 (oil and acrylic on canvas)
Carnival Series, 1998 (oil and acrylic on canvas)
Carnival Series, 1998 (oil and acrylic on canvas)

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