Hue, Jean-Francois (1751-1823)

Creator details

Hue, Jean-Francois (1751-1823)

Assets (24 in total)

View of the Port at Brest (oil on canvas)
Italian Landscape, Setting Sun (oil on canvas)
View of Brest Harbour, 1796 (oil on canvas)
The Port of Brest with a view of shipping, 1794 (detail of 95402) (oil on canvas)
View of the port of Lorient in the 18th century, detail, 18th century (oil on canvas)
View of the Port of Lorient (oil on canvas)
Napoleon I (1769-1821) Visiting the Camp at Boulogne in July 1804, 1806 (oil on canvas)
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) Visiting the Camp at Boulogne in July 1804, detail of Napoleon and the Flotilla, 1806 (oil on canvas)
Views of the Chateau de Mousseaux and its Gardens,  (oil on canvas)
Granville in flames besieged by the Vendéans, based on painting by J. François Hue, c. 1800.
Views of the Chateau de Mousseaux and its Gardens,  (oil on canvas)
Vendeenne insurrection (chouannerie):

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