Dauzats, Adrien (1804-68)

Creator details

Dauzats, Adrien (1804-68)

Assets (21 in total)

Restoring the Abbey Church of St. Denis in 1833 (oil on canvas)
Interior of the Mosque of El Mooristan in Cairo (oil on canvas)
Place du Gouvernement, Algeria, 1849 (oil on canvas)
The Portes de Fer Passage III, 1839 (w/c on paper)
Interior of the Church of Saint Gereon at Cologne (oil on canvas)
Interior of Albi Cathedral, 1832 (oil on canvas)
The Palais de Justice, the Conciergerie and the Tour de l'Horloge, after 1858 (oil on canvas)
The Portes de Fer Passage II, 1839 (w/c on paper)
Market at the Foot of the Tour de Beurre, Rouen (w/c on paper)
The Portes de Fer Passage I, 1839 (w/c on paper)
The Capture of Setif in Algeria by the Troops of the Duke of Orleans, 1839 (oil on canvas)
View of the Convent of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai, 1845 (oil on canvas)

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