Mino da Fiesole (1430-1484)

Creator details

Mino da Fiesole (1430-1484)

Assets (16 in total)

Piero de' Medici (1414-69) 1453 (marble)
Julius Caesar, c.1455-1460 (marble with traces of bole (red clay) and limestone with traces of polychromy)
Bust of Peter I of Medici (1416-1469) (Piero di Cosimo de Medici or Pierre de Cosimo de Medicis) Duke of Florence, nicknamed il Gottoso. Marble sculpture by Mino di Giovanni Mini da Poppio, dit Mino da Fiesole (1429-1484) 1453 Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello
Monument to Count Ugo (d.1001) Margrave of Tuscany (marble) (b/w photo)
Bust of Pope Paul II Barbo,  1464-1470 (sculpture)
Madonna and Child (marble)
Justice, from the Monument to Bernardo Giugni, c.1460 (marble) (b/w photo)
Charity. Monument to Count Ugo. Marble relief, 1469-1481
Virgin and Child, c.1465-70 (marble)
Virgin and Child between St Laurent and St Leonard. High marble relief, 1464-1469
Detail of the transenna of the Sistene Chapel, c.1484 (stone)
An angel holding the epitaph. Monument of Bernardo Giugni. Marble relief, 1469-1481

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