Revere, Paul (1735-1818)

Creator details

Revere, Paul (1735-1818)

Assets (58 in total)

A View of Part of the Town of Boston in New England and British Ships of War Landing their Troops! 1768 (coloured engraving)
Landing of British troops at Boston harbour, 1768
A View of the Town of Boston in New England and British Ships of War Landing Their Troops, 1768, 1770 (engraving)
Creampot (silver)
Samuel Adams, 1774 (engraving)
Landing of British troops at Boston harbour, 1768
Teapot, c.1765 (silver)
Sons of Liberty Bowl, from Boston, 1768 (silver)
Teapot, 1773 (silver)
Tea Service, 1792 (silver & wood)
Representative Samples of the Paine Tea Service, 1773 (silver & ebony)
Snuff box, 1760-70 (silver & cowrie shell)

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