Robida, Albert (1848-1926)

Creator details

Robida, Albert (1848-1926)

Assets (460 in total)

Central aircraft station at Notre-Dame (Paris), illustration from 'Le XXeme siecle, La Vie Electrique', c. 1890 (colour engraving)
Poster for the Chemins de Fer de l'Ouest to Le Vesinet, c.1895-1900 (colour litho)
The beautification of Paris by metro,  1886 (illustration)
Anticipation: the release of the Paris Opera in 2000, seen by the designer Albert Robida in 1900. Parisians circulate through all kinds of air vehicles.
'The Triumph of Naturalism', caricature of Emile Zola (1840-1902) illustration from 'La Caricature', 7th February 1880 (litho)
King Francois I (1494-1547) buying the Mona Lisa from Leonard de Vinci (1452-1519), 1909 (illustration)
The court in chateaus of the Loire, illustration from 'Francois Ier: Le Roi Chevalier, by George G. Toudouze, pub. 1909 (colour litho)
Fifth Italian War (1515-1516): the night of Marignan, between 13 and 14 September 1515, 1909 (illustration)
Leonard de Vinci offering his painting La Joconde to Francois 1er c. 1517, illustration
Sindbad the sailor (Sinbad): tale of the thousand and one (1001) nights, illustration of a 1948 book (Fortin edition, collection Imagerie Marvelleuse de l'enfance) (litho)
The Giant Gargantua jumps from his horse (his mare) on the roof of Nostre-Dame de Paris, for the complete works by Francois Rabelais published by the Librairie Illustree in 1885 (illustration)
'Un Quartier Embrouille', caricature on the 20th century, from 'Le XXeme Siecle', c.1890 (coloured engraving)

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