Brueghel, Jan the Younger (1601-78)

Creator details

Brueghel, Jan the Younger (1601-78)

Assets (59 in total)

A Satire of the Folly of Tulip Mania (oil on panel)
Earthly Paradise (panel)
Paradise scene with Adam and Eve (panel)
God creating the sun, the moon and the stars in the Firmament, c.1650 (oil on copper)
Allegory of Painting (oil on copper)
Tulips with other Flowers in a Glass on a Table (oil on panel)
The Entry of the Animals into Noah's Ark (oil on panel)
The Expulsion from Paradise, from The Story of Adam and Eve (oil on copper) (see also 742110-15)
The Alchemist (oil on panel)
Adam Naming the Animals, from The Story of Adam and Eve (oil on copper) (see also )
A Still Life of a Tazza with Flowers (oil on panel)
Village Dance (oil on panel)

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