King, Charles Bird (1785-1862)

Creator details

King, Charles Bird (1785-1862)

Assets (37 in total)

Tenskwatawa (1775-1836) (colour litho)
Pushmataha, a Choctaw warrior
Makataimeshekiakiak (Black Hawk) c.1853 (oil on canvas)
Red Jacket, a Seneca War Chief
Okeemakeequid, a Chippeway chief
Eshtahumbah (Sleepy Eyes), a Sioux Chief
Quatawapea, or Colonel Lewis
Hayne Hudjihini, or Eagle of Delight
Nesouaquoit ('The bear in the forks of a tree')
Pashepahaw ('The Stabber'), a Sauk chief
Kishkalwa, a Shawnee Chief
Waapashaw, a Sioux chief

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